
Daily Rate: $85
Weekly Rate: $274
Monthly Rate: $520
Blades: $35 day / $115 week / $289 month
Direct post hole drive head with 6,800b/in torque (peak) up to 105 rpm. Bits available in 6”, 9” snd 12”. Planetary heads available. Earth auger bits available in 18”, 24” and 30”.
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Direct post hole drive head with 6,800b/in torque (peak) up to 105 rpm. Bits available in 6”, 9” snd 12”. Planetary heads available. Earth auger bits available in 18”, 24” and 30”.

Direct post hole drive head with 6,800b/in torque (peak) up to 105 rpm. Bits available in 6”, 9” snd 12”. Planetary heads available. Earth auger bits available in 18”, 24” and 30”.